Newsletter w/e 07/02/2025
I spent a lovely morning yesterday, visiting each class for their English lesson. I was so pleased to see how well engaged each class was in their learning and what amazing writing was being produced as a result. From our polar bear experts in Reception and Year 1, to Year 2 who, after becoming owl experts, were enjoying the story Plop! Then into Year 3, who were writing a fabulous story inspired by The Iron Man, Year 4 who were writing a nail-biting dilemma story, Year 5 who were writing from the perspective of aliens and Year 6 who were using some fantastic descriptive language - well done everyone!
Next week, we are looking forward to welcoming visitors into school for our open morning on Tuesday between 9.30-11.30am. Our Year 6 children will be thrilled to give you a tour of school if you are able to make it! The children will be learning all about staying safe online as it is Safer Internet Day.
Finally, to round off the half term, we are looking forward to our sponsored dance-athon! Don't forget to get kitted out in your favourite dancing gear, ready to have lots of fun and raise some funds for our School Council's latest project.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Price