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Newsletter w/e 06/09/2024

Friday 6th September 2024

A very warm welcome back to school to all our families, especially those joining us this year. We are really looking forward to working with you and seeing your children grow and flourish.

It was lovely to see the children all looking so smart on Tuesday and to hear that so many of them were looking forward to the start of term. Our new children in Reception have had a brilliant first week! They have settled in really well and are already getting to know the school routines. A big thank you to our Year 5 Buddies who have helped with this, and will continue to do so.

It has been great to see lots of families arriving in good time to school and many of the children joining in with the active mile. This is a super start to the day - some fresh air and exercise helps children be ready to learn as soon as they get into class. We are making some slight changes to the arrangements for gates starting on Monday - please see details below.

At the end of this newsletter, you will find a list of dates right through to the end of the autumn term. There is lots to look forward to, especially in the run-up to Christmas, so please pop these dates into your diary.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Price, Headteacher

You can click on the attachment below to read our newsletter for this week.